Snapchat Game Lens: Lifebuoy BTS

Game Invaders: A 10-second handwashing game promoting hygiene for Lifebuoy’s back-to-school campaign


UI/Game Designer


Social Media




2 weeks

Project type

Snapchat Lense

Target Audience

Parents with kids up to age 12

My role was to ideate gameplay mechanics, design the user interface, and ensure alignment with the brand's visual language. I worked with a copywriter and collaborated with the Snapchat team to launch the game filter on the platform.

Snapchat lens

Previous versions

The client had earlier requested a retro-themed game. Two initial concepts were developed based on a space fighter theme, aiming to depict school supplies under germ attack. The player, as a school kid and space fighter pilot, would eliminate these germs using Lifebuoy bubbles and handwash gel. To enhance difficulty, "monster germs" were introduced.

About the project

Game Title

Game Invaders


Back to School


Game Invaders was created as a fun and interactive way to promote the client's handwash product. It was specifically designed for a back-to-school campaign, making hygiene fun and educational for users of all ages.

Campaign Message

The game demonstrates the effectiveness of a 10-second handwash in eliminating germs, aligning with the client's back-to-school campaign.


Introductory Frame: Users are greeted with a campaign message and prompted to start the game.

Instructions: Players receive on-screen instructions to swipe left or right to aim.

Countdown: A 10-second countdown initiates the game, and germs float upward from the microscope lens.

Lifebuoy's Soap: The top of the screen releases a continuous stream of soap drops.

Scoring: When soap connects with a germ, it explodes, and players earn 10 points for each explosion.

Conclusion: When the countdown reaches zero, a "Congrats!" message displays the player's score and the campaign message.

Copyright 2024 by Nishi Dalvi

Snapchat Game Lens: Lifebuoy

A web platform to help the product design aspirants to get feedback on their work/case studies


UI/Game Designer


Social Media




2 weeks

Project type

Snapchat Lense

Taget Audience

Parents with kids up to age 12

My role was to ideate gameplay mechanics, design the user interface, and ensure alignment with the brand's visual language. I worked with a copywriter and collaborated with the Snapchat team to launch the game filter on the platform.

Snapchat lens

Previous versions

The client had earlier requested a retro-themed game. Two initial concepts were developed based on a space fighter theme, aiming to depict school supplies under germ attack. The player, as a school kid and space fighter pilot, would eliminate these germs using Lifebuoy bubbles and handwash gel. To enhance difficulty, "monster germs" were introduced.

About the project

Game Title

Game Invaders


Back to School


Game Invaders was created as a fun and interactive way to promote the client's handwash product. It was specifically designed for a back-to-school campaign, making hygiene fun and educational for users of all ages.

Campaign Message

The game demonstrates the effectiveness of a 10-second handwash in eliminating germs, aligning with the client's back-to-school campaign.


Introductory Frame: Users are greeted with a campaign message and prompted to start the game.

Instructions: Players receive on-screen instructions to swipe left or right to aim.

Countdown: A 10-second countdown initiates the game, and germs float upward from the microscope lens.

Lifebuoy's Soap: The top of the screen releases a continuous stream of soap drops.

Scoring: When soap connects with a germ, it explodes, and players earn 10 points for each explosion.

Conclusion: When the countdown reaches zero, a "Congrats!" message displays the player's score and the campaign message.

Copyright 2024 by Nishi Dalvi

Copyright 2024 by Nishi Dalvi